Collection: Rugs

Are you tired of walking on the same old rug-tine carpets? Well, it's time to spice up your space with our rug-tastic collection of custom creations! Here we believe that every floor deserves a touch of purr-sonalisation. (Even if it's not a pet rug). 

Whether you're a fan of feline motifs or prefer minimalist chic, we've got you covered. With our easy-to-use customisation options, you can unleash your inner artist and create a rug that's as unique as you are.

But wait, there's more! Our custom carpet rugs aren't just stylish – they're also built to last. Made from high-quality materials and featuring a non-slip backing, these rugs are as durable as they are delightful. Maximum size is currently 70x60cm.

So why settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary? Transform your space into a rug-tastic paradise today!